Marta Mezzino
Retraite de Femmes en Forêt
7-13 Aout 2022
Femmes en cercle. Energie sexuelle, énergie créative, plaisir, sagesse, mystère.
Une reconnexion au Féminin Profond.
Une reconnexion au Féminin Profond.
S'Immerger en soi,
au cœur de la Forêt,
pour Se Retrouver,
Se Ressourcer,
Aimer et
Se Redécouvrir
Dates: du début Juin au 15 Septembre 2022
Lieu: Les Ouches
Dear all,
due to the current situation all spring and summer workshops have been postponed. For what concerns autumn and winter 2020 I'm trying to do my best to find ways to make them happen and rearrange things around. Right now new projects are growing close to where I live and I'm giving one-to-to session (in person or skype). Since last spring I've moved permanently to the forest but I still don't have a good internet connection there, so I can't update my website easily. Please, be a little patient and don't hesitate to contact me directly to have more info or if you want to book an individual session. More info will come (hopefully) soon ;-)!
Take good care and hope to see you soon!
Cet atelier est une invitation à plonger dans l'époque de notre ménarche (notre première menstruation), un moment crucial de la vie de toute femme et qui pose les bases de notre relation avec le Féminin Profond en nous.
Nous rencontrerons la jeune fille qui habite encore au creux de notre être et explorerons
sa grande capacité de nous rappeler notre veritable nature et la mision de notre vie.
Nous ecouteron ses rêves et sa grande capacité de nous guider à tout moment sur notre chemin vers l'expresion et l'epanouissement de notre Etre.
Nous rencontrerons la jeune fille qui habite encore au creux de notre être et explorerons
sa grande capacité de nous rappeler notre veritable nature et la mision de notre vie.
Nous ecouteron ses rêves et sa grande capacité de nous guider à tout moment sur notre chemin vers l'expresion et l'epanouissement de notre Etre.
Les femmes de toutes ages sont les bienvenues!
La ménarche est un vrai moment d'initiation pour toute femme, une porte s'ouvrant sur le féminin sacrée qui l'habite. Au moment de sa ménarche la jeune femme est trés sensible et ouverte dans toutes les dimensions de son être, et trés réceptive au monde qui l'entoure.
Le manque de conscience porté sur cette étape si fondamental de la vie d'une femme a une trés grande influence dans sa construction et son individuation et peut marquer fortement sa relation à son féminin, sa façon de vivre son cycle et sa rencontre avec la ménopause.
Célebrer la ménarche c'est acceuillir l'integrité et la force créatrice de la jeune femme qui est en nous, et qui souvent n'a pas été vu, écoutée, comprise et encouragée par son entourage de l'époque de ses premièrs lunes.
Vivre aujourd'hui ce rite de passage c'est offrir à sa femininité un nouveau terrain d'enracinement, c'est poser les bases pour un espace renouvelé de relation et possibilités avec le Feminin qui nous habite.
Le manque de conscience porté sur cette étape si fondamental de la vie d'une femme a une trés grande influence dans sa construction et son individuation et peut marquer fortement sa relation à son féminin, sa façon de vivre son cycle et sa rencontre avec la ménopause.
Célebrer la ménarche c'est acceuillir l'integrité et la force créatrice de la jeune femme qui est en nous, et qui souvent n'a pas été vu, écoutée, comprise et encouragée par son entourage de l'époque de ses premièrs lunes.
Vivre aujourd'hui ce rite de passage c'est offrir à sa femininité un nouveau terrain d'enracinement, c'est poser les bases pour un espace renouvelé de relation et possibilités avec le Feminin qui nous habite.
Date: 7 mars, 9h30... (ritual timing..)
Location: Salle Pdma, Manosque, FRANCE Register: [email protected] |
Menstruation is a very high initiatory moment in which every woman can experience the forces of death and rebirth within herself.
It's a journey that leads us from stepping into the unknown, meeting the forces of dissolution that abide within us and experience an ego death, towards a space in which the experience of our embodiment is renewed and integrated into another level of expression of who we truly are.
It is a time to let go, surrender, rest, nourish, vision, ask for clarity and direction.
It is a time to dive deep into our bodies and explore the full ecstatic potential we're encoded with...
Date: 14th-15th March 2020, 9,00-18,00
Location: Mahima Yoga, Humboldtstrasse 12, MUNICH
Register: [email protected]
Comment habiter le rythme cyclique de nos corps en se sentant dans sa pleine puissance?
Comment sentir la justesse et la dignité d'incarner la nature cyclique de notre feminin et pouvoir accueillir tous les niveaux de notre être (physique, émotionel, mental et spirituel)?
Comment se connecter à la puissante médecine avec laquelle nous sommes encodées par notre cycle menstruel et qui nous mène vers notre essence profonde et notre élan de Vie?
Cette journée est une invitation à explorer et à se relier aux fluctuations du rythme de notre corps, embrassant la puissance du perpétuel changement et transformation qui guide notre vie de
Se retrouver au sein d'un cercle de femme pour libérer ensemble la sagesse de nos profondeurs, les cadeaux et la vision profonde que notre corps cyclique sait nous offrir.
Comment sentir la justesse et la dignité d'incarner la nature cyclique de notre feminin et pouvoir accueillir tous les niveaux de notre être (physique, émotionel, mental et spirituel)?
Comment se connecter à la puissante médecine avec laquelle nous sommes encodées par notre cycle menstruel et qui nous mène vers notre essence profonde et notre élan de Vie?
Cette journée est une invitation à explorer et à se relier aux fluctuations du rythme de notre corps, embrassant la puissance du perpétuel changement et transformation qui guide notre vie de
Se retrouver au sein d'un cercle de femme pour libérer ensemble la sagesse de nos profondeurs, les cadeaux et la vision profonde que notre corps cyclique sait nous offrir.
Come lasciarsi abitare dal ritmo ciclico del nostro corpo sentendone pienamente la grande forza ?
Come sperimentare la connessione con la nostra natura ciclica, la dignità d'incarnarne i suoi diversi aspetti e sentire di poter accoglierci a tutti livelli del nostro essere (fisico, emotivo, mentale e spirituale) ?
Come connettersi con la potente medicina che il nostro ciclo mestruale ci regala e che ci conduce verso la nostra essenza profonda, i nostri slanci ed impulsi creativi ?
Queste giornate sono un invito ad esplorare e a connettersi alle fluttuazioni del ritmo del nostro corpo, accogliendo la forza del continuo cambiamento che guida la nostra vita di donne.
Un invito a ritrovarsi in cerchio, per interrogare e decostruire la nozione di Femminile che ci è stata trasmessa, per liberare insieme la saggezza delle nostre profondità, i doni e la visione profonda che il nostro corpo ciclico è in grado di offrirci.
Come sperimentare la connessione con la nostra natura ciclica, la dignità d'incarnarne i suoi diversi aspetti e sentire di poter accoglierci a tutti livelli del nostro essere (fisico, emotivo, mentale e spirituale) ?
Come connettersi con la potente medicina che il nostro ciclo mestruale ci regala e che ci conduce verso la nostra essenza profonda, i nostri slanci ed impulsi creativi ?
Queste giornate sono un invito ad esplorare e a connettersi alle fluttuazioni del ritmo del nostro corpo, accogliendo la forza del continuo cambiamento che guida la nostra vita di donne.
Un invito a ritrovarsi in cerchio, per interrogare e decostruire la nozione di Femminile che ci è stata trasmessa, per liberare insieme la saggezza delle nostre profondità, i doni e la visione profonda che il nostro corpo ciclico è in grado di offrirci.
Date: 28th-29th March, 9.00-18.00
Location: Casa dell'Ecologia Umana, Roncosambaccio, ITALY
Register: [email protected]
Location: Casa dell'Ecologia Umana, Roncosambaccio, ITALY
Register: [email protected]
Comment habiter le rythme cyclique de nos corps en se sentant dans sa pleine puissance?
Comment sentir la justesse et la dignité d'incarner la nature cyclique de notre feminin et pouvoir accueillir tous les niveaux de notre être (physique, émotionel, mental et spirituel)?
Comment se connecter à la puissante médecine avec laquelle nous sommes encodées par notre cycle menstruel et qui nous mène vers notre essence profonde et notre élan de Vie?
Cette journée est une invitation à explorer et à se relier aux fluctuations du rythme de notre corps, embrassant la puissance du perpétuel changement et transformation qui guide notre vie de
Se retrouver au sein d'un cercle de femme pour libérer ensemble la sagesse de nos profondeurs, les cadeaux et la vision profonde que notre corps cyclique sait nous offrir.
Comment sentir la justesse et la dignité d'incarner la nature cyclique de notre feminin et pouvoir accueillir tous les niveaux de notre être (physique, émotionel, mental et spirituel)?
Comment se connecter à la puissante médecine avec laquelle nous sommes encodées par notre cycle menstruel et qui nous mène vers notre essence profonde et notre élan de Vie?
Cette journée est une invitation à explorer et à se relier aux fluctuations du rythme de notre corps, embrassant la puissance du perpétuel changement et transformation qui guide notre vie de
Se retrouver au sein d'un cercle de femme pour libérer ensemble la sagesse de nos profondeurs, les cadeaux et la vision profonde que notre corps cyclique sait nous offrir.
Date: 25th-26th April , 9h30-18h30
Location: Domaine de Crève Coeur, Choulex, Génève, SUISSE
Register: [email protected]
Location: Domaine de Crève Coeur, Choulex, Génève, SUISSE
Register: [email protected]
The pelvic bowl and the perineum are the physical ground of a woman experience and a fundamental place for inquiring the relationship we have established with our wild feminine.
How present and awake do you feel in the root of your feminine body?
How often do you journey into that area of your body and connect with your inner ground?
How often do you listen to her whispers, to her screams?
Unfortunately in our society most of what happens in that sacred area is either covered by a veil of shame and silence, either extremely sexualised or even pornified. The result of it is that many women are locked out of their inner ground and experience a real difficulty to connect and speak about it. To share about its wonders and its pains. Its vibrant and powerful manifestations, its challenges and sorrows.
Constant pelvic pain, urine leakage, numbness, a sense of unworthiness, pain during sexual intercouse, bowel dysfunction, prolapse, a sense of general disconnection from this area are just some of the many ways our body is trying to attract our attention, asking for our care, presence and love in our root.
Whether you're touched by any symptoms or you're just feeling called to deepening your connection with your sacred feminine ground, this workshop is an invitation to dive into the pelvic bowl, exploring and understanding the potential and energy that is treasured there and becoming more aware of the relationship you have established in your life with this fundamental space of your female body.
This is a workshop in itself but can also be taken as an introduction to the workshop « Awakening the feminine root, celebrating the feminine ground ».
Date: 7th May: 18.30- 21.30
Location: INANA INSTITUT, München
Register: [email protected]
How present and awake do you feel in the root of your feminine body?
How often do you journey into that area of your body and connect with your inner ground?
How often do you listen to her whispers, to her screams?
Unfortunately in our society most of what happens in that sacred area is either covered by a veil of shame and silence, either extremely sexualised or even pornified. The result of it is that many women are locked out of their inner ground and experience a real difficulty to connect and speak about it. To share about its wonders and its pains. Its vibrant and powerful manifestations, its challenges and sorrows.
Constant pelvic pain, urine leakage, numbness, a sense of unworthiness, pain during sexual intercouse, bowel dysfunction, prolapse, a sense of general disconnection from this area are just some of the many ways our body is trying to attract our attention, asking for our care, presence and love in our root.
Whether you're touched by any symptoms or you're just feeling called to deepening your connection with your sacred feminine ground, this workshop is an invitation to dive into the pelvic bowl, exploring and understanding the potential and energy that is treasured there and becoming more aware of the relationship you have established in your life with this fundamental space of your female body.
This is a workshop in itself but can also be taken as an introduction to the workshop « Awakening the feminine root, celebrating the feminine ground ».
Date: 7th May: 18.30- 21.30
Location: INANA INSTITUT, München
Register: [email protected]
Being present and aware of our female root is a fundamental element that allows us to feel safe, grounded in our inner authority to embody the full potential of our being and its creative and sexual expression.
The health and vitality of our root is deeply affected by postures, life experiences (pregnancy, childbirth, abuses, traumas, chronic stress...), cultural and social beliefs, emotions and thoughts and it translates into patterns that can support or inhibit our experience of being a woman, and the range of expression of the wild feminine within us.
Exploring our pelvic bowl and the keystone of our sacred inner architecture, the perineum, means diving into the richness and complexity of our woman's experience. Connecting with her beauty and wonder, her wounds and shadows. It's an open door to the understanding of our own relationship with the wild feminine within us, and a possibility to transform it into a vibrant everyday reality.
Through experiential anatomy, the subtleties of a very powerful energetical approach and different kinds of movements, bodywork and practices we will journey together into this very sacred, powerful and vulnerable place.
The aim of this inquiry is to find ways to reconnect with the uniqueness of the alphabet of our inner landscape and introduce elements and tools for self-care and self-healing in daily life.
In this workshop you will :
-discover how your body have internalized and embodied life's experiences and societal messages about your femininity
-inquiry and learn about the tension patterns of your root and ways to release it
-how to acknowledge, listen, honor and celebrate your root in your daily experience
-how to reconnect with the wider range and potential of your inner landscape to embody who you deeply are
Date: 8th May: 18.30- 21.30
9th May: 10.00- 18.00
Location: INANA INSTITUT, München
Register: [email protected]
Date: 15th May, 19.00-21.00
Location: Val di Fiemme, (TN), ITALY
Una giornata che propone d'immergersi nel corpo femminile e nella danza alchemica degli elementi che lo attraversano per trovare nutrimento, risorse, forza e centratura.
Durante la giornata ci sofferemeremo in patricolar modo sull'esplorazione dello spazio fisico ed energetico del grembo e quello delle ovaie e la loro forza creativa.
Teoria e pratica si alterneranno per permettere alle partecipanti di entrare in contatto con il proprio alfabeto corporeo, che é unico cosi come lo é l' espressione della nostra essenza femminile.
Questo workshop è un invito rivolto a donne di ogni età, curiose di esplorare la natura ciclica del corpo femminile, le sue fluttuazioni e le sue molteplici potenzialità.
Mettersi in ascolto dei ritmi ciclici che ci abitano, ci consente di sostenere e nutrire la nostra forza vitale, creativa e sessuale, portandoci ad una maggiore consapevolezza e benessere, (ri)scoprendo nel nostro corpo un profondo senso di interconnessione con le forze della Natura e dell'Universo.
Attraverso asana, movimenti organici, respiro, mudra, giocando con gli elementi (Terra, Acqua, Fuoco, Aria e Etere), il ritmo del tamburo e la voce, viaggeremo attraverso il centro energetico del grembo-utero, quello del cuore ed esploreremo la loro relazione e risonanza.
L'energia ovarica è fondamentale per ogni forma di espressione creativa della donna.
Nelle ovaie risiede la sacra sorgente della forza vitale impiegata nella nascita di una nuova creatura, sia questa un essere umano o una qualsivoglia altra forma di creazione che ogni donna puó generare.
Le ovaie nutrono l'intero sistema-corpo femminile e la loro energia è essenziale per rivitalizzare lo spazio, fisico ed energetico, del grembo.
Quando sono in equilibrio, l'ovaia destra e quella sinistra danno vita ad una sinergia perfetta di potere ricettivo e proiettivo, indispensabile sorgente a cui attingere per ogni forma di espressione creativa.
Quando, invece, vi è disequilibrio, ci sentiamo spossate, prosciugate, senza forza né ispirazione, senza energia per nutrire i nostri progetti e desideri. In questa situazione, puo' capitarci di consegnare inconsciamente il nostro fuoco interiore al servizio di qualcosa (un lavoro, un progetto..) o a qualcuno che non nutre la nostra vita, di dare addirittura (sempre inconsciamente) il permesso di derubarci di tale fiamma, rinnegando ogni nostro desiderio profondo, ogni nostra espressione, rinunciando al fondamentale diritto di vivere pienamente il nutrimento che ci offre la nostra energia sessuale e creativa.
Come ti prendi cura della tua energia creativa nella vita di tutti i giorni?
Ti senti consapevole di come usi il tuo fuoco creativo interiore?
Sai accogliere e lasciarti attraversare pienamente dalla sua presenza trasformatrice e che si sviluppa nelle fluttuazioni del ritmo ciclico del tuo corpo?
In questo workshop:
Donne di ogni età sono le benvenute!
I nostri strumenti: lavoro in cerchio, meditazione, movimenti del corpo interiore, ascolto profondo del corpo, disegno.
Durante la giornata ci sofferemeremo in patricolar modo sull'esplorazione dello spazio fisico ed energetico del grembo e quello delle ovaie e la loro forza creativa.
Teoria e pratica si alterneranno per permettere alle partecipanti di entrare in contatto con il proprio alfabeto corporeo, che é unico cosi come lo é l' espressione della nostra essenza femminile.
Questo workshop è un invito rivolto a donne di ogni età, curiose di esplorare la natura ciclica del corpo femminile, le sue fluttuazioni e le sue molteplici potenzialità.
Mettersi in ascolto dei ritmi ciclici che ci abitano, ci consente di sostenere e nutrire la nostra forza vitale, creativa e sessuale, portandoci ad una maggiore consapevolezza e benessere, (ri)scoprendo nel nostro corpo un profondo senso di interconnessione con le forze della Natura e dell'Universo.
Attraverso asana, movimenti organici, respiro, mudra, giocando con gli elementi (Terra, Acqua, Fuoco, Aria e Etere), il ritmo del tamburo e la voce, viaggeremo attraverso il centro energetico del grembo-utero, quello del cuore ed esploreremo la loro relazione e risonanza.
L'energia ovarica è fondamentale per ogni forma di espressione creativa della donna.
Nelle ovaie risiede la sacra sorgente della forza vitale impiegata nella nascita di una nuova creatura, sia questa un essere umano o una qualsivoglia altra forma di creazione che ogni donna puó generare.
Le ovaie nutrono l'intero sistema-corpo femminile e la loro energia è essenziale per rivitalizzare lo spazio, fisico ed energetico, del grembo.
Quando sono in equilibrio, l'ovaia destra e quella sinistra danno vita ad una sinergia perfetta di potere ricettivo e proiettivo, indispensabile sorgente a cui attingere per ogni forma di espressione creativa.
Quando, invece, vi è disequilibrio, ci sentiamo spossate, prosciugate, senza forza né ispirazione, senza energia per nutrire i nostri progetti e desideri. In questa situazione, puo' capitarci di consegnare inconsciamente il nostro fuoco interiore al servizio di qualcosa (un lavoro, un progetto..) o a qualcuno che non nutre la nostra vita, di dare addirittura (sempre inconsciamente) il permesso di derubarci di tale fiamma, rinnegando ogni nostro desiderio profondo, ogni nostra espressione, rinunciando al fondamentale diritto di vivere pienamente il nutrimento che ci offre la nostra energia sessuale e creativa.
Come ti prendi cura della tua energia creativa nella vita di tutti i giorni?
Ti senti consapevole di come usi il tuo fuoco creativo interiore?
Sai accogliere e lasciarti attraversare pienamente dalla sua presenza trasformatrice e che si sviluppa nelle fluttuazioni del ritmo ciclico del tuo corpo?
In questo workshop:
- impareremo a connetterci ed ascoltare la nostra energia ovarica, a capirne il suo funzionamento e la grande risorsa che costituisce per la nostra vita creativa
- esploreremo diversi schemi ricorrenti di squilibrio ed impareremo come portare un nuovo equilibrio nell'intero sistema
- esploreremo il ritmo ciclico del nostro corpo e l'importanza di rispettarlo ed onorarlo per permettere alla nostra energia creativa di fluire
- ricercheremo movimenti e posizioni che permettono, liberano e stimolano il fluire dell'energia sessuale e creativa.
Donne di ogni età sono le benvenute!
I nostri strumenti: lavoro in cerchio, meditazione, movimenti del corpo interiore, ascolto profondo del corpo, disegno.
Date: 16th May, 9.30-18.30
Location: Cavalese, Val di Fiemme, (TN), ITALY
Register: [email protected]
Location: Cavalese, Val di Fiemme, (TN), ITALY
Register: [email protected]
How would it be to feel home and powerful in the cyclical rhythm of your body?
To feel the rightness and the dignity of embodying your deep cyclical nature and multilayered constitution (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) as a woman?
To connect with your menstrual cycle as the powerful medicine you are encoded with and that leads you toward your deep essence and Call?
This weekend workshop is an invitation to explore and connect with the waves and tides of your body rhythm, embracing the power of the constant changes and transformations that guide your life as a woman.
Join us in a women circle to unleash the wisdom held in our depths, connecting with the gifts and insights our cyclical body whispers to us.
Women of all ages are welcome!
In this workshop you'll....
How would it be to feel home and powerful in the cyclical rhythm of your body?
To feel the rightness and the dignity of embodying your deep cyclical nature and multilayered constitution (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) as a woman?
To connect with your menstrual cycle as the powerful medicine you are encoded with and that leads you toward your deep essence and Call?
This weekend workshop is an invitation to explore and connect with the waves and tides of your body rhythm, embracing the power of the constant changes and transformations that guide your life as a woman.
Join us in a women circle to unleash the wisdom held in our depths, connecting with the gifts and insights our cyclical body whispers to us.
Women of all ages are welcome!
In this workshop you'll....
Date: 31stOctber, 9.30-18.00
1st November, 9.00-17.00
Location: INANA INSTITUT, München
Register: [email protected]
1st November, 9.00-17.00
Location: INANA INSTITUT, München
Register: [email protected]
2018 Women's forest retreat
in Southern France
Shaping the Clay to your creative spirit within, 29th July-4th August
Comment habiter le rythme cyclique de nos corps en se sentant dans sa pleine puissance?
Comment sentir la justesse et la dignité d'incarner la nature cyclique de notre feminin et pouvoir accueillir tous les niveaux de notre être (physique, émotionel, mental et spirituel)?
Comment se connecter à la puissante médecine avec laquelle nous sommes encodées par notre cycle menstruel et qui nous mène vers notre essence profonde et notre élan de Vie?
Cette journée est une invitation à explorer et à se relier aux fluctuations du rythme de notre corps, embrassant la puissance du perpétuel changement et transformation qui guide notre vie de femme.
Se retrouver au sein d'un cercle de femme pour libérer ensemble la sagesse de nos profondeurs, les cadeaux et la vision profonde que notre corps cyclique sait nous offrir.
Comment sentir la justesse et la dignité d'incarner la nature cyclique de notre feminin et pouvoir accueillir tous les niveaux de notre être (physique, émotionel, mental et spirituel)?
Comment se connecter à la puissante médecine avec laquelle nous sommes encodées par notre cycle menstruel et qui nous mène vers notre essence profonde et notre élan de Vie?
Cette journée est une invitation à explorer et à se relier aux fluctuations du rythme de notre corps, embrassant la puissance du perpétuel changement et transformation qui guide notre vie de femme.
Se retrouver au sein d'un cercle de femme pour libérer ensemble la sagesse de nos profondeurs, les cadeaux et la vision profonde que notre corps cyclique sait nous offrir.
Date: 12th April,
Location: hohmstreetyoga, Viale Tunisia 38, 20124 Milan, ITALY
Register: [email protected]
Location: hohmstreetyoga, Viale Tunisia 38, 20124 Milan, ITALY
Register: [email protected]
Questo workshop é un invito rivolto a donne di ogni età curiose di esplorare la natura ciclica del corpo femminile, le sue fluttuazioni e le sue molteplici potenzialità.
Mettersi in ascolto dei ritmi ciclici che ci abitano ci consente di sostenere e nutrire la nostra forza vitale, creativa e sessuale, portandoci ad una maggiore consapevolezza e benessere, (ri)scoprendo nel nostro corpo un profondo senso di interconnessione con le forze della Natura e dell'Universo.
Attraverso asana, movimenti organici, respiro, mudra, giocando con gli elementi (Terra, Acqua, Fuoco, Aria e Etere), il ritmo del tamburo e la voce, viaggeremo attraverso il centro energetico del grembo-utero, quello del cuore ed esploreremo la loro relazione e risonanza
Date: 14th April,
Location: StudioN Fitness Posturale, Via Aosta 62, Hone, Aosta, ITALY
Register: StudioN
In ognuno di noi vi è la memoria di una serie di movimenti istintivi, originari che ci mettono in contatto con l'origine del nostro movimento interiore, autentico e che sgorga da una forza anteriore al pensiero e alla parola : le coordinazioni istintive. Lasciarsi attraversare da questi movimenti ci porta ad un ascolto profondo dell'energia vitale che ci anima, al di là di qualsivoglia tecnica o disciplina, e ci mette in contatto con lo scorrere del prana dentro di noi.
In ognuno di noi vi è un suono unico, irripetibile, originario che fa vibrare il nostro corpo-strumento come nessun altro suono proposto o imposto dall'esterno è in grado di fare. Questo suono ci appartiene, caratterizza e allo stesso tempo ci attraversa e ci trascende. È un suono originario, non addomesticato, che abita le nostre profondità e spesso si nasconde a causa del giudizio che ne abbiamo.
Questo workshop si propone di esplorare un mondo interiore in cui ci sentiamo muovere da una forza primordiale che a volte é movimento, a volte é suono, e a volte la danza di entrambi. Un invito ad esplorare ed accordare il proprio corpo-strumento per cominciare a percepire ed udire il proprio suono-movimento.
Date: 15th April, 10.00-13.00
Location: hohmstreetyoga, Viale Tunisia 38, 20124 Milan, ITALY
Register: [email protected]
In ognuno di noi vi è la memoria di una serie di movimenti istintivi, originari che ci mettono in contatto con l'origine del nostro movimento interiore, autentico e che sgorga da una forza anteriore al pensiero e alla parola : le coordinazioni istintive. Lasciarsi attraversare da questi movimenti ci porta ad un ascolto profondo dell'energia vitale che ci anima, al di là di qualsivoglia tecnica o disciplina, e ci mette in contatto con lo scorrere del prana dentro di noi.
In ognuno di noi vi è un suono unico, irripetibile, originario che fa vibrare il nostro corpo-strumento come nessun altro suono proposto o imposto dall'esterno è in grado di fare. Questo suono ci appartiene, caratterizza e allo stesso tempo ci attraversa e ci trascende. È un suono originario, non addomesticato, che abita le nostre profondità e spesso si nasconde a causa del giudizio che ne abbiamo.
Questo workshop si propone di esplorare un mondo interiore in cui ci sentiamo muovere da una forza primordiale che a volte é movimento, a volte é suono, e a volte la danza di entrambi. Un invito ad esplorare ed accordare il proprio corpo-strumento per cominciare a percepire ed udire il proprio suono-movimento.
Date: 15th April, 10.00-13.00
Location: hohmstreetyoga, Viale Tunisia 38, 20124 Milan, ITALY
Register: [email protected]
This workshop is an exploration around the time of Menarche and the fundamental importance this moment holds in its core to set the base of our relationship with the Deep Feminine within us. With the magic of our Menstrual years and of Menopause. We will meet our young self and explore the great power she has, to remind us about our deep nature and service in life...
Women of all ages are welcome!!
How would it be to feel home and powerful in the cyclical rhythm of your body?
To feel the rightness and the dignity of embodying your deep cyclical nature and multilayered constitution (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) as a woman?
To connect with your menstrual cycle as the powerful medicine you are encoded with and that leads you toward your deep essence and Call?
This weekend workshop is an invitation to explore and connect with the waves and tides of your body rhythm, embracing the power of the constant changes and transformations that guide your life as a woman.
Join us in a women circle to unleash the wisdom held in your depths, connecting with the gifts and insights your cyclical body whispers to you.
Women of all ages are welcome!
In this workshop you'll....
Quattro giorni di immersione nella propria natura profonda, per scoprirsi eco infinito della Natura che ci circonda.
Attraverso asana, movimenti organici, danza libera, suoni, meditazioni, canti e il suono di tamburi e di strumenti di ceramica, ci addentreremo nelle strade del nostro corpo (fisico e sottile) per esplorare come gli Elementi della Natura (Terra, Acqua, Fuoco, Aria e Etere) risuonano in noi.
Insieme, in cerchio, riuniti attorno ad un centro la cui sacralità ci ricorda l'unicità del nostro proprio cammino e la risonanza con quello dell'altro.
Un invito a percorrere le innumerevoli strade del nostro microcosmo per svelare la nostra interconnessione con il macrocosmo e tutti i suoi abitanti (minerali, vegetali, animali).
More Info:
Date: 19th -22th July
Location: Champorcher, ITALY
Quattro giorni di immersione nella propria natura profonda, per scoprirsi eco infinito della Natura che ci circonda.
Attraverso asana, movimenti organici, danza libera, suoni, meditazioni, canti e il suono di tamburi e di strumenti di ceramica, ci addentreremo nelle strade del nostro corpo (fisico e sottile) per esplorare come gli Elementi della Natura (Terra, Acqua, Fuoco, Aria e Etere) risuonano in noi.
Insieme, in cerchio, riuniti attorno ad un centro la cui sacralità ci ricorda l'unicità del nostro proprio cammino e la risonanza con quello dell'altro.
Un invito a percorrere le innumerevoli strade del nostro microcosmo per svelare la nostra interconnessione con il macrocosmo e tutti i suoi abitanti (minerali, vegetali, animali).
More Info:
Date: 19th -22th July
Location: Champorcher, ITALY
The first menstruation is a real moment of initiation for every woman, an opening door onto the sacred femininity that inhabit her. At menarche the young maiden girl is very open and highly sensitive in all the dimensions of her deeper being, and very receptive to the world that surround her. The lack of awareness (or even shame) that our culture carries around this such fundamental moment of a woman life has such an impressive impact on her self perception and individuation and it can mark strongly her relation with her menstruation and her deep femininity. To celebrate menarche is to welcome the integrity and the creative force of the young maiden girl that resides within us and that often haven't been seen, listened, understood and encouraged at the moment of their first menstruation.
To reclaim today this ritual of passage it means to offer a renewed ground to root our femininity, to set a new start in our life as women and to offer to ourselves the possibility to live fully into womanhood.
The first menstruation is a real moment of initiation for every woman, an opening door onto the sacred femininity that inhabit her. At menarche the young maiden girl is very open and highly sensitive in all the dimensions of her deeper being, and very receptive to the world that surround her. The lack of awareness (or even shame) that our culture carries around this such fundamental moment of a woman life has such an impressive impact on her self perception and individuation and it can mark strongly her relation with her menstruation and her deep femininity. To celebrate menarche is to welcome the integrity and the creative force of the young maiden girl that resides within us and that often haven't been seen, listened, understood and encouraged at the moment of their first menstruation.
To reclaim today this ritual of passage it means to offer a renewed ground to root our femininity, to set a new start in our life as women and to offer to ourselves the possibility to live fully into womanhood.
Ovarian energy is fundamental for any woman's creation and the very sacred source of life force utilized in making children and any other form of creation a woman can manifest into the world. The ovaries nourish the whole female body system and are essential to revitalize a woman's womb space. When in balance, the right and left ovary host the perfect synergy between receptive and projective power that allow the expression of any kind of creation.
When we come out of that balance, we feel drained, powerless, lacking of inspiration, with no energy to nourish our own projects and desires, unconsciously giving our fire away or allowing others to steal our inner flame, denying our own deep desire and expression and the fundamental right of fully live the nourishment of our sexual creative energy.
Are you aware of how you use your inner creative fire everyday and how to fully embody its transforming presence within the cyclical rhythm of your body?
How do you take care of your creative energy in your daily life?
In this workshop we will:
The first part of the workshop will be more theoretical, the second part more experiential.
Women of any age are welcome !
our tool : circle work, meditation, inner body movement, deep body listening, drawing
what to bring: notebook, colors, comfortable clothes.
Ovarian energy is fundamental for any woman's creation and the very sacred source of life force utilized in making children and any other form of creation a woman can manifest into the world. The ovaries nourish the whole female body system and are essential to revitalize a woman's womb space. When in balance, the right and left ovary host the perfect synergy between receptive and projective power that allow the expression of any kind of creation.
When we come out of that balance, we feel drained, powerless, lacking of inspiration, with no energy to nourish our own projects and desires, unconsciously giving our fire away or allowing others to steal our inner flame, denying our own deep desire and expression and the fundamental right of fully live the nourishment of our sexual creative energy.
Are you aware of how you use your inner creative fire everyday and how to fully embody its transforming presence within the cyclical rhythm of your body?
How do you take care of your creative energy in your daily life?
In this workshop we will:
- learn how to connect with and listen to our ovarian energy and understand its functioning and the very powerful resource they are in our creative life
- explore different patterns of unbalance and learn how to bring a new balance into our whole system
- explore the cyclical rhythm of our body and the importance to honor it in order to allow our creative energy to flow
- inquiry into movements and postures that allow, free and the stimulate the flow of our creative sexual energy.
The first part of the workshop will be more theoretical, the second part more experiential.
Women of any age are welcome !
our tool : circle work, meditation, inner body movement, deep body listening, drawing
what to bring: notebook, colors, comfortable clothes.
How would it be to feel home and powerful in the cyclical rhythm of your body?
To feel the rightness and the dignity of embodying your deep cyclical nature and multilayered constitution (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) as a woman?
To connect with your menstrual cycle as the powerful medicine you are encoded with and that leads you toward your deep essence and Call?
This weekend workshop is an invitation to explore and connect with the waves and tides of your body rhythm, embracing the power of the constant changes and transformations that guide your life as a woman.
Join us in a women circle to unleash the wisdom held in your depths, connecting with the gifts and insights your cyclical body whispers to you.
Women of all ages are welcome!
In this workshop you'll....
Date: 25th-26th November
Location: Sahaja-Akademie, fraunhoferstrasse 13, Munich
Register: [email protected]
This workshop is an invitation to explore the play of the elements of earth and water within our feminine body.
In the yogic tradition the place in our body that holds this two qualities, both on a physical and energetic level, is called Yonisthana and in women bodies corresponds to the sacred place of the womb, the source of our creative vitality.
Through a yin-yang creative flow, womb yoga, organic movement, drumming, chanting and the magic of a women circle we will connect and celebrate the wisdom and the power held in the depths of our feminine nature.
The workshop will be divided in two parts, one more theoretical and the other more practical.
Women of all age and conditions are welcome!!!
This Workshop is taught in English (with German translation when needed).
Date: 2nd December, 14.00-18.00
Location: Yoga Lounge, Kirchplatz 1, 82049 Pullach/München
Register: [email protected]
Date: 30th November, 19.45- 21.00
Location: Jaya yoga, Munich
Location: Jaya yoga, Munich
The first menstruation is a real moment of initiation for every woman, an opening door onto the sacred femininity that inhabit her. At menarche the young maiden girl is very open and highly sensitive in all the dimensions of her deeper being, and very receptive to the world that surround her. The lack of awareness (or even shame) that our culture carries around this such fundamental moment of a woman life has such an impressive impact on her self perception and individuation and it can mark strongly her relation with her menstruation and her deep femininity. To celebrate menarche is to welcome the integrity and the creative force of the young maiden girl that resides within us and that often haven't been seen, listened, understood and encouraged at the moment of their first menstruation.
To reclaim today this ritual of passage it means to offer a renewed ground to root our femininity, to set a new start in our life as women and to offer to ourselves the possibility to live fully into womanhood.
Date: 17 December, whole day 10-18
Location: Forcalquier, FRANCE
Register: [email protected]
Women's Forest Retreat
in Southern France:
22-28 July 2017
A journey into your NATURAL, MYSTICAL, DEEP essence
Unleash the wisdom held in the depth of your wild feminine essence within a circle of sisters. Held by the deep love of Mother Nature we will journey into our own deep nature and her mysteries, connecting with the magic of our womb power through the rhythm of the drum, rituals, womb yoga, sacred dance, organic movements and chanting.
This women gathering is an invitation to dive into the deep feminine, feeling, nurturing and building up the energy of Shakti, understanding and honoring the lunar cycles in our body, the play of the elements in ourselves and the gifts of our menstrual cycle.
Through the exploration of the hearth-womb connection and our relation with Mother Earth, we will empower and nourish our relationship with the wisdom and intuition of our inner teacher, reconnecting with our deep untamed vibration.
Bring an object that connects you with the spirit of the Wild Feminine, a notebook, colours, comfortable clothes with which you feel beautiful, and, if you have it, a frame drum.
WHEN: 11th-15th October 2017
Start: 11th October. Arrival at 18.00 We will have an early dinner at 19.00 and our first gathering will take place at 20:00
End: 15th October after lunch (late lunch at 14.00)
For Turkish people:
Early Bird Price (until 31st July) is 990 TL.
After that date, full tuition is 1090 TL.
ACCOMODATION (including three vegetarian-vegan meals):
Karakaya Retreat Center: [email protected] or
call +90 538 873 04 11
For non-Turkish people
340 euro Early Bird (until 31st July),
400 euro Full price
ACCOMODATION (including three veetarian-vegan meals)
For any other option (Single Room, Double Room,.) please contact directly:
Karakaya Retreat Center: [email protected] or call +90 538 873 04 11
For registration and any kind of information please contact:
SELMA SCHMID: [email protected]
or 0090 530 402 6909
Start: 11th October. Arrival at 18.00 We will have an early dinner at 19.00 and our first gathering will take place at 20:00
End: 15th October after lunch (late lunch at 14.00)
For Turkish people:
Early Bird Price (until 31st July) is 990 TL.
After that date, full tuition is 1090 TL.
ACCOMODATION (including three vegetarian-vegan meals):
- 360 TL in tent
- 420 TL in dormitory.
Karakaya Retreat Center: [email protected] or
call +90 538 873 04 11
For non-Turkish people
340 euro Early Bird (until 31st July),
400 euro Full price
ACCOMODATION (including three veetarian-vegan meals)
- 120 Euro for staying in your own Tent
- 128 Euro for staying in a Dormitory
For any other option (Single Room, Double Room,.) please contact directly:
Karakaya Retreat Center: [email protected] or call +90 538 873 04 11
For registration and any kind of information please contact:
SELMA SCHMID: [email protected]
or 0090 530 402 6909
The first menstruation is a real moment of initiation for every woman, an opening door onto the sacred femininity that inhabit her. At menarche the young maiden girl is very open and highly sensitive in all the dimensions of her deeper being, and very receptive to the world that surround her. The lack of awareness (or even shame) that our culture carries around this such fundamental moment of a woman life has such an impressive impact on her self perception and individuation and it can mark strongly her relation with her menstruation and her deep femininity. To celebrate menarche is to welcome the integrity and the creative force of the young maiden girl that resides within us and that often haven't been seen, listened, understood and encouraged at the moment of their first menstruation.
To reclaim today this ritual of passage it means to offer a renewed ground to root our femininity, to set a new start in our life as women and to offer to ourselves the possibility to live fully into womanhood.
Date: 29th april
Location: Forcalquier, FRANCE
Register: [email protected]
YIN YOGA Workshop, with Cécile Roubaud
Date: 19th May, 18.30-20.30
Location: Insens, Centre de Bien-Etre
12 Rue Ami-Lullin, 1207 Geneve, SWITZERLAND
Register: [email protected]
Location: Insens, Centre de Bien-Etre
12 Rue Ami-Lullin, 1207 Geneve, SWITZERLAND
Register: [email protected]
(Workshop in French)
In every woman resides an amazing treasure that connects her to her real power, a power which is coming from within: her menstrual cycle.
Getting to know the inner map of our experience of the cycle is an amazing empowering tool that nurtures our unique journey into the deep feminine and that embraces our multi-layered constitution : biological, emotional, mental and spiritual.
This workshop is an invitation to dive in and explore the mysteries and the inner wisdom that every woman is encoded with in her female body within the frame of a sacred woman circle.
Every woman in her menstruating years, in menopause or post-menopause is very welcome to join.
Date: 20th May, 9.30-18.30
Location: Maison de Générations Futures,
Route de la Veveyse 5a, 1700 Fribourg, SWITZERLAND
Contact: [email protected]
Getting to know the inner map of our experience of the cycle is an amazing empowering tool that nurtures our unique journey into the deep feminine and that embraces our multi-layered constitution : biological, emotional, mental and spiritual.
This workshop is an invitation to dive in and explore the mysteries and the inner wisdom that every woman is encoded with in her female body within the frame of a sacred woman circle.
Every woman in her menstruating years, in menopause or post-menopause is very welcome to join.
Date: 20th May, 9.30-18.30
Location: Maison de Générations Futures,
Route de la Veveyse 5a, 1700 Fribourg, SWITZERLAND
Contact: [email protected]
WOMB YOGA: exploring yonisthana (in French)
Cet atelier est une invitation à explorer la sagesse et la puissance de Yonisthana, la place sacrée de notre matrice, source de notre énergie créatrice.
C'est à cet endroit que les éléments de l'Eau et de la Terre se rencontrent dans nos corps en nous invitant à contacter stabilité et fluidité. Par les mouvementes organiques de nos corps dans une pratique yin-yang, des mudras, la respiration e la connexion aux éléments, nous nous connecterons à la sagesse nichée dans les profondeurs de notre Féminin
Le son du tambour, des instruments en argile et des chants sacrées nous accompagneront dans le travail en cercle.
Date : 21 mai, 10h-13h
Lieu : Studio du paquier
4 rue du Paquier, 74000 Annecy, FRANCE
Contact: [email protected]
C'est à cet endroit que les éléments de l'Eau et de la Terre se rencontrent dans nos corps en nous invitant à contacter stabilité et fluidité. Par les mouvementes organiques de nos corps dans une pratique yin-yang, des mudras, la respiration e la connexion aux éléments, nous nous connecterons à la sagesse nichée dans les profondeurs de notre Féminin
Le son du tambour, des instruments en argile et des chants sacrées nous accompagneront dans le travail en cercle.
Date : 21 mai, 10h-13h
Lieu : Studio du paquier
4 rue du Paquier, 74000 Annecy, FRANCE
Contact: [email protected]
YIN YOGA WORKSHOP, The Inner Journey, with Cécile Roubaud
Une pratique de Yin Yoga avec tambour, flute, voix, contes et poémes.. un voyage sur votre tapis magique...
Date: 21 mai, 16h-18h
Lieu : Studio O2 YOGA
Route de l'Etraz, 12 C
1263 Vich/ Gland, SWITZERLAND
Date: 21 mai, 16h-18h
Lieu : Studio O2 YOGA
Route de l'Etraz, 12 C
1263 Vich/ Gland, SWITZERLAND
Yin yoga and the path of the healer, 24th June, Milan, Italy
YIN YOGA TT, MODULE 1, 25th-30th June, Tuscany, Italy
YIN YOGA TT, MODULE 2, 2nd-7th July,Tuscany, Italy
YIN YOGA TT, MODULE 1, 17th-22nd September, Munich, Germany
YIN YOGA TT, MODULE 2, 24th-29th September, Munich, Germany
YIN YOGA TT, MODULE 1, 25th-30th June, Tuscany, Italy
YIN YOGA TT, MODULE 2, 2nd-7th July,Tuscany, Italy
YIN YOGA TT, MODULE 1, 17th-22nd September, Munich, Germany
YIN YOGA TT, MODULE 2, 24th-29th September, Munich, Germany
This workshop is an invitation to explore the play of the elements of earth and water within ourselves.
In our body there's a special place where this two forces meet each other: here is where the source of life energy is nestled. Getting in contact with this powerful place and the way the earth and the water element relate to each other in our body can bring at the same time stability and fluidity to our life.
The sound of the drum, clay flutes and sacred chants will lead us in a yin-yang creative flow to connect and celebrate the wisdom and the power held in our depths.
Date : 2nd December
Location : Yoga Flows Studio
Oberer Graben 3A, 85354 Freising
Register : [email protected]
In our body there's a special place where this two forces meet each other: here is where the source of life energy is nestled. Getting in contact with this powerful place and the way the earth and the water element relate to each other in our body can bring at the same time stability and fluidity to our life.
The sound of the drum, clay flutes and sacred chants will lead us in a yin-yang creative flow to connect and celebrate the wisdom and the power held in our depths.
Date : 2nd December
Location : Yoga Flows Studio
Oberer Graben 3A, 85354 Freising
Register : [email protected]
This workshop is an invitation to explore the inner wisdom of the womb and her amazing power.
Through asanas flows, breath, mudras, sound, and bandhas, we will dive into the deep feminine, feeling, nurturing and building up the energy of Shakti, understanding and honoring the lunar cycles in our body and the play of the elements in the female body.
Through the exploration of the hearth-womb connection and our relation with Mother Earth, we will empower and nourish our practice with the wisdom and intuition of our inner teacher.
Women of all ages and levels of practice are welcome to join this women circle, to reconnect together the ebb and flow of Prana Shakti, the power of life.
Date : 3rd December
Location : Yoga Flows Studio
Oberer Graben 3A, 85354 Freising
Register : [email protected]
Through asanas flows, breath, mudras, sound, and bandhas, we will dive into the deep feminine, feeling, nurturing and building up the energy of Shakti, understanding and honoring the lunar cycles in our body and the play of the elements in the female body.
Through the exploration of the hearth-womb connection and our relation with Mother Earth, we will empower and nourish our practice with the wisdom and intuition of our inner teacher.
Women of all ages and levels of practice are welcome to join this women circle, to reconnect together the ebb and flow of Prana Shakti, the power of life.
Date : 3rd December
Location : Yoga Flows Studio
Oberer Graben 3A, 85354 Freising
Register : [email protected]
The main focus of this workshop is to invite women to tune into their physical and energetic body, reconnecting with the rhythm of the cycles that hold us within our life. To connect and honor the different ebb and flow of energy that we experience in our life journey as women, is to give allowance to ourselves to acknowledge the deep wisdom of the womb and to reconnect, honor and celebrate her presence as the source of our life and creative force. Creative gentle yoga flows, the play of the elements in our body, meditation, visualization, drumming, sounds and chants will guide us into a women circle celebration of the Shakti energy. Women of all ages are welcome!
Saturday 10th December:
Yonisthana: when the Earth meets the Water. Bring the wisdom of the womb in your practice, connecting and exploring the physical changes and the different energies that hold you within your cycle, rooting and honoring the female body in her cyclical nature.
Sunday 11th December:
The ovarian energy and the creative fire. Explore the energetic source of your creativity and how to ground this connection in your yoga practice so to support and nourish the expression of your inner creative fire.
Date: Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th of December
2.15pm – 4.45 pm
Location: Patrick Broome Yoga Studio Schwabing, Schellingstr. 63, Munich
Register: [email protected]
Saturday 10th December:
Yonisthana: when the Earth meets the Water. Bring the wisdom of the womb in your practice, connecting and exploring the physical changes and the different energies that hold you within your cycle, rooting and honoring the female body in her cyclical nature.
Sunday 11th December:
The ovarian energy and the creative fire. Explore the energetic source of your creativity and how to ground this connection in your yoga practice so to support and nourish the expression of your inner creative fire.
Date: Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th of December
2.15pm – 4.45 pm
Location: Patrick Broome Yoga Studio Schwabing, Schellingstr. 63, Munich
Register: [email protected]
This workshop is an invitation to explore the play of the elements of earth and water within ourselves.
Yonisthana, the sacred place of the womb, is the source of our creative vitality and holds this two qualities both on a physical and energetical level.
Through a yin-yang creative flow, womb yoga, drumming, chanting and the magic of a women circle we will connect and celebrate the wisdom and the power held in the depths of our feminine nature.
Date : 17th december, 17- 19.30
Location : JAYA YOGA, Westermühlstrasse 28 Rgb, 80469 München
Registration : [email protected]
Yonisthana, the sacred place of the womb, is the source of our creative vitality and holds this two qualities both on a physical and energetical level.
Through a yin-yang creative flow, womb yoga, drumming, chanting and the magic of a women circle we will connect and celebrate the wisdom and the power held in the depths of our feminine nature.
Date : 17th december, 17- 19.30
Location : JAYA YOGA, Westermühlstrasse 28 Rgb, 80469 München
Registration : [email protected]
In every woman resides an amazing treasure that connects her to her real power, a power which is coming from within: her menstrual cycle.
Getting to know the inner map of our experience of the cycle is an amazing empowering tool that nurtures our unique journey into the deep feminine and that embraces our multi-layered constitution : biological, emotional, mental and spiritual.
This workshop is an invitation to dive in and explore the mysteries and the inner wisdom that every woman is encoded with in her female body within the frame of a sacred woman circle.
Every woman in her menstruating years, in menopause or post-menopause is very welcome to join.
Schedule :
10.00-13.00 : Opening circle
Diving into the womb, connecting with her wisdom
A journey into the energies of the cycle
13.00-14.30 : Lunch break.
14.30-18.30 : Inner Seasons Meditation
Charting your cycle : build menstrual cycle awareness
Closing circle
Our tool : women circle, sisterhood, meditation, visualization, drawing, writing, listening partnership, deep listening technique, inner movement
What to bring : comfortable clothes, something to take notes on, colors and pencils and an object for the altar.
When : 18th december 2016, 10.00-18.30
Where : Mahimayoga, Humboldtstrasse 12 81543 München
Price : 75 euros
Contact: Marta at [email protected]
Getting to know the inner map of our experience of the cycle is an amazing empowering tool that nurtures our unique journey into the deep feminine and that embraces our multi-layered constitution : biological, emotional, mental and spiritual.
This workshop is an invitation to dive in and explore the mysteries and the inner wisdom that every woman is encoded with in her female body within the frame of a sacred woman circle.
Every woman in her menstruating years, in menopause or post-menopause is very welcome to join.
Schedule :
10.00-13.00 : Opening circle
Diving into the womb, connecting with her wisdom
A journey into the energies of the cycle
13.00-14.30 : Lunch break.
14.30-18.30 : Inner Seasons Meditation
Charting your cycle : build menstrual cycle awareness
Closing circle
Our tool : women circle, sisterhood, meditation, visualization, drawing, writing, listening partnership, deep listening technique, inner movement
What to bring : comfortable clothes, something to take notes on, colors and pencils and an object for the altar.
When : 18th december 2016, 10.00-18.30
Where : Mahimayoga, Humboldtstrasse 12 81543 München
Price : 75 euros
Contact: Marta at [email protected]
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