Marta Mezzino
Connect to your voice and inner rhythm and unleash their unique vibration.
No need "to be a musician" to feel
the creative and healing vibration your body can offer.
Join the sisters' circle to just be with the uniqueness of your sound and let it resonates...
Reconnect to the pulse of the Earth.
Reconnect to the pulse of your womb and heart.
You'll discover so much of your inner power, dissolving the
fall beliefs that you have no voice, no rhythm...
I am in love with voices: their different timbers, vibrations, shade of colors and textures.
It feels to me such an amazing key tool to meet one another. Just listening to the sounds of our voices.
And I strongly believe in the powerful musical potential of our body, no matter if we label ourselves among the "musician" or the "not musician". During my travels around the world, I've been recording children, men and women of every age singing and telling stories, completely captured by the uniqueness of each one of them. It was not about recording a performance.
It was just about recording people heart sound..
It feels to me such an amazing key tool to meet one another. Just listening to the sounds of our voices.
And I strongly believe in the powerful musical potential of our body, no matter if we label ourselves among the "musician" or the "not musician". During my travels around the world, I've been recording children, men and women of every age singing and telling stories, completely captured by the uniqueness of each one of them. It was not about recording a performance.
It was just about recording people heart sound..
Very sadly I am hearing very often women saying
" I can't sing" or "I sing very bad, totally out of tune",
"My voice is so blocked, I can't sing at all, it just doesn't come out"...
Quite often misty-eyes go with these kind of statements and sometimes memories and stories arise between the tears.
" I can't sing" or "I sing very bad, totally out of tune",
"My voice is so blocked, I can't sing at all, it just doesn't come out"...
Quite often misty-eyes go with these kind of statements and sometimes memories and stories arise between the tears.
And what if we could just simply feel and look at our voice as a unique manifestation of our Being with no possible comparison ever?
Can we just surround and unleash that inner sounds which is our birth mark and make each one so different from each other?
I have been struggling with my own voice and the right to bring it out into the world for years. Whenever I share this with people that are used to hear me singing, incredulous eyes are starring at me. To allow myself to sing in front of people has been a real healing journey (and sometimes still is!) and I am so touched whenever I see women coming out of the fall belief that they have no voice.
As women (and men too!! but historically and culturally reasons haven't been the same...)
we are all certainly carrying such a heavy collective heritage around
our freedom to express ourselves from our deepest intimate self,
but the more I am sharing my story and my voice with other women
the more I see how, as Hafiz says,
we are all certainly carrying such a heavy collective heritage around
our freedom to express ourselves from our deepest intimate self,
but the more I am sharing my story and my voice with other women
the more I see how, as Hafiz says,
"when we can forgive every wounds caused by others,
the heart starts singing".
the heart starts singing".
As the most natural and delicious offering to the Mother we are all coming from....
"I would love to play the drum but I have no sense of rhythm", "I am always out of beat, I can't play any percussion": these are sadly again a kind of comments I hear often from women looking at my drum, even from dancers that would not doubt at all about their sense of rhythm when they dance.
Still, in front of a drum, this is what very often emerges.
These kind of affirmations go very often with a mixed sense of longing "to be able" to play, sadness and shame. Every time I hear this there's a clear voice inside of me saying:
Still, in front of a drum, this is what very often emerges.
These kind of affirmations go very often with a mixed sense of longing "to be able" to play, sadness and shame. Every time I hear this there's a clear voice inside of me saying:
"this is not true, of course you can!!".
The womb has her own unique pulsation and rhythm that can speak very clearly once we start to pay a attention to her.
And the sound of our heart beat resonates in his very unique way as unique are our eyes or hands.
A baby is conceived within this womb pulsation and during all the pregnancy will hear the beat of his mother heart as a constant background sound... if we have been conceived in such a rhythmic body concert, how possibly could we have no sense of rhythm? What if some of us had just forgotten the connection with that primal concert from where we are all coming from?
And what if western culture and more in general the patriarchal society in which we have been growing up, a culture based on a linear understanding of time, that has broken any sense of connection with the rhythm of Nature and our own true nature as women, is constantly bringing us to disconnect to The Rhythm?
And what if western culture and more in general the patriarchal society in which we have been growing up, a culture based on a linear understanding of time, that has broken any sense of connection with the rhythm of Nature and our own true nature as women, is constantly bringing us to disconnect to The Rhythm?
Drums (and especially frame drums) have been sacred and ritual instruments that have been played by women in the oldest times.
Played in sacredness and connection
for men and women
to join their essences
in the divinity of the Great Mother.
In celebration.
With one another.
I truly believe that rhythm is a spiritual path that reconnect us to the pulse of the Earth
to celebrate the Mother.
More and more I see how women playing together, even the most simple steady beat, instantly reconnect with that spirit of joy and celebration that lay in every womb.
Remembering and reconnecting with the source of their inner power.
Remembering instantly how natural is to follow their inner rhythm.
With one another.
I truly believe that rhythm is a spiritual path that reconnect us to the pulse of the Earth
to celebrate the Mother.
More and more I see how women playing together, even the most simple steady beat, instantly reconnect with that spirit of joy and celebration that lay in every womb.
Remembering and reconnecting with the source of their inner power.
Remembering instantly how natural is to follow their inner rhythm.
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