Marta Mezzino
Reveal your deep inner movement.
The dance of your soul.
The yoga of your heart and womb.
There's nothing you have to reach, no final posture, no perfect movement, apart the one that is arising from your deep inner self.
Allow the flow of the energy to guide your body, surrender to it and just be with the uniqueness of who you are.
Moving, breathing, dancing from inside out.
Unleash the creative potential of your body.
Allow the inner beauty you treasure deep inside of you
to be revealed to the Universe
and enjoy the cosmic dance we are all dancing together at every breath.
I started to practice yoga while I was at university and during the last 15 years I've been practicing, studying and training with many different teachers all around the world. Little by little, my journey in yoga has brought me to explore the inner feeling and paths of energy of the infinite poses our body can express rather then an ideal external perfect pose to reach, allowing the poses to come from within. |
Moving and feeling my body in resonance with Nature, the elements and the vibration of the Great Mother.
The quest into organic movements of the body has brought me later on towards
old traditional and sacred dance,
unveiling the inner body knowledge and memories we are holding inside of us...
Reconnecting deeply with one of the most ancient and natural way to celebrate Life.
old traditional and sacred dance,
unveiling the inner body knowledge and memories we are holding inside of us...
Reconnecting deeply with one of the most ancient and natural way to celebrate Life.
Through these years of research my attention has been kept by the wish to find a way to practice that can embrace women in their physical and subtle bodies and in their cyclical nature.
Through these years of research my attention has been kept by the wish to find a way to practice that can embrace women in their physical and subtle bodies and in their cyclical nature.
In my infinite quest I felt very touched and inspired by the teachings of Angela Farmer, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Biff Mithoefer, with whom I collaborate in Yin Yoga teacher training around the world, Daniel Odier and Fabienne Courmont.
Here I share some words that resonates with my experience of yoga:
Celebrating the manifestation of the outer Nature inside of my own body.
The deep inner movement that resonates with my inner being.. and the deep inner stillness that resonates too...
The journey from inside out.
The breath that unveils the infinite space inside, unveiling the infinity of the space outside, feeling there's no separation.
The infinite dance of the elements inside, around and all over me.
The lost forgotten memories that arise when I’m diving deep inside, bringing tears and smiles...
The connection between my womb and my heart, deeply rooted in the womb and the hearth of the Earth.
The deep inner movement that resonates with my inner being.. and the deep inner stillness that resonates too...
The journey from inside out.
The breath that unveils the infinite space inside, unveiling the infinity of the space outside, feeling there's no separation.
The infinite dance of the elements inside, around and all over me.
The lost forgotten memories that arise when I’m diving deep inside, bringing tears and smiles...
The connection between my womb and my heart, deeply rooted in the womb and the hearth of the Earth.
The fluidity of life force.
The stillness in movement and movement in stillness.
The deep silence that can suddenly arise in the middle of the noise of the fears, blockages and pain held in my body...
The infinite quest into the mystery of the relation between visible and invisible, gross and subtle, the masculine and the feminine inside and outside of me and the unique way they weave their dance everyday...
The stillness in movement and movement in stillness.
The deep silence that can suddenly arise in the middle of the noise of the fears, blockages and pain held in my body...
The infinite quest into the mystery of the relation between visible and invisible, gross and subtle, the masculine and the feminine inside and outside of me and the unique way they weave their dance everyday...
I stepped onto a yoga mat for the first time for a physical issue and was unexpectedly captured by the subtle aspect of the practice. Something was happening but I could not name it.
I was initially taught in a very strict yoga tradition. I’m very grateful it welcomed my quest, and taught me for years, but one day my body refused to follow the instructions I was given and a deep overwhelming sadness took over. My body, mind and spirit felt suddenly to be strangers to all of the control I had firmly applied to them for years and suddenly refused to go on in that way. |
For a few months I felt lost and unable to practice, all I was capable of was to sit, cry and listen to what my body had been whispering to me for so long.
I felt so drained and not understood in my physical and subtle anatomy, in my cyclical rhythm, in my lunar essence, in the fluidity I was feeling inside and that couldn't find a way to express outside. |
One day, attracted by the name of a yoga style I had never heard before, yin yoga, I went back to practice.
In the stillness, deep listening and acceptance that this practice held in at it’s foundation, I started to feel the flow of the energy in my body in a completely different way then I had ever experienced before and an inner movement, which was coming from deep inside, started to manifest. My body was moving without any will or intention, dancing with the energy flow. |
Since then my practice has changed radically and I have started to explore the inner movement that comes from within, the connection with and the manifestation of subtle energies, the inner resonance with the elements and Nature, the multi-layered play of the masculine and feminine in ourselves.
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